Huron Valley 2020 PDGA Sanctioned Summer Singles   July 29, 2020 at 8:40pm

Week 11

45 people made it out the Lyon's Den this week, Adam McPherson had the hot round of 46 taking home $26, Noah Moorehouse won $15 for his 48, Matt Clark & Joe Paczwa both shot 52 splitting last cash, in MA2 Derek Ballou had the hot round of 52 taking home $34, Kyle Ritter won $30 for his 56, Spencer Tschirret & Jason Green both shot 57 each winning $23, Rob Wagner, Steve Ponce, & Tom Mikowski all shot 58 splittiing last cash, Kyle Ritter won the $37 CTP on hole 9, Thomas Cupp won the $37 CTP on hole 15, The ace pool is now up to $698, The unofficial rating can be seen at:

This Saturday August 1st
The Sanctioned Lyon
PDGA C-tier
2 berths for States
$50 added cash

Next Tuesday August 4th - Hudson Mills
Tee off @ 5:30pm