Tuesdays With Pundy   July 26, 2020 at 12:26am

League Layout Schedule Updated

Seeing as I am allowing a "flex" start with people able to start as early as 5:15, the layout for this week has been updated to RWB to Long. Long pins will be played on holes 2, 9, 12, and 15, and the Gold Tee for Hole 3 (Platform) will be used for hole 3. Please note 3A basket will not be in play (the one you can see from the platform), but the normal hole 3 will be used. I will be starting promptly at 6 and will be with the last group going out. It starts getting dark around 9, so I'm feeling this 3 hours should allow for enough to time to finish the round. I will be allowing groups of 3-4 for those who start before 6. If this works out, the following 2 weeks will also use the Long Pins for the WBR and BRW layouts.
Layout details are below:

RWB Long:
Hole 1 - Red
Hole 2 - White to Long (island) Pin
Hole 3 - Blue (from Platform Gold Tee)
Hole 4 - Red
Hole 5 - White
Hole 6 - Blue
Hole 7 - Red
Hole 8 - White
Hole 9 - Blue to Long
Hole 10 - Red
Hole 11 - White
Hole 12 - Blue to Long
Hole 13 - Red
Hole 14 - White
Hole 15 - Blue to Long
Hole 16 - Red
Hole 17 - White
Hole 18 - Blue
Par is 64

Also, please see the previous post for the new Ohio Mask Mandate. I ask that all of you please abide by this, as we don't want to risk any complaints or negative appearance to any other park goers.

Thanks and see you Tuesday.