Hello everyone. At the start of the season, we weren't sure if we would be able to host divisional tournaments but with the current state of league, we feel that we can hold 2 divisional tournaments ...
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Hello everyone. At the start of the season, we weren't sure if we would be able to host divisional tournaments but with the current state of league, we feel that we can hold 2 divisional tournaments this year. Our first one will be next week! Please read the details below for specifics. We'll be sending some additional reminders and instructions in the coming days.
Black Divisional - July 21st
24 hole shotgun start
Check-in from 4pm to 5pm in the pavilion (Everyone must check in!)
Tee off at 5:30pm sharp
We will be conducting the event digitally using the Udisc app. This means that 1 person in each group will have to have the application, a Udisc account, and keep score for the group. If you need help with setup, Jason will be available in the pavilion during check-in times to help. The reason we are using the pavilion is because there is reception there which will help get your phone setup for scoring. All rules, format, and additional details will be posted on Disc Golf Scene and on Facebook Monday. There will not be a players meeting.
Also...Yellow Divisional tournament will be held on August 18th.