My name is Brian Millard, I am 1 of 3 people who designed and installed the first 9 holes we were approved for 18 but couldn't raise enough money for baskets as it is most came out of our pockets. My childhood friend Randy Knutsen and step brother Rick Fort are the creators of Alaskan Thrown. I am looking to get ahold of who ever is currently in charge of new addition to alkantra to talk about possibly working together on another 18 hole course I'm approved to develope. Please email me @ [email redacted]
Brian Millard › Alcantra July 15, 2020 at 8:49pm
My name is Brian Millard, I am 1 of 3 people who designed and installed the first 9 holes we were approved for 18 but couldn't raise enough money for baskets as it is most came out of our pockets. My childhood friend Randy Knutsen and step brother Rick Fort are the creators of Alaskan Thrown. I am looking to get ahold of who ever is currently in charge of new addition to alkantra to talk about possibly working together on another 18 hole course I'm approved to develope. Please email me @ [email redacted]