OB UPDATE: York College, Hole #1 - Mulch "River" OB defined by paint, Right & Long defined by paint. This will create safety for those waiting to tee off on hole #2 and gives a definitive end point for OB. RECOMMENDATION: Screenshot/Save the OB rules to your photos on your phone.
NAVIGATING FROM HOLE #2 to TEE #3 - There is a path cut north of the basket to go down the hill. Please avoid going down the dirt paths on either side of the stone blocks.
ROUND #2 TEE ASSIGNMENTS - I will be working diligently to get second round tee assignments posted to the Disc Gauntlet Facebook page (www.facebook.com/DiscGauntlet/), the York Throwdown event page (www.facebook.com/events/314386996175964/), & Disc Golf Scene (https://www.discgolfscene.com/tournaments/York_Throwdown_2020/comments). Please check these places over the lunch hour. IF YOU ARE NOT THE FIRST PERSON ON YOUR CARD FOR SECOND ROUND, PLEASE REPORT DIRECTLY TO YOUR ASSIGNED TEE. If you are the first person on your tee, please stop by the scoreport to get the scorecard.
Jake Hedden › York Throwdown June 27, 2020 at 7:58pm
OB UPDATE: York College, Hole #1 - Mulch "River" OB defined by paint, Right & Long defined by paint. This will create safety for those waiting to tee off on hole #2 and gives a definitive end point for OB. RECOMMENDATION: Screenshot/Save the OB rules to your photos on your phone.
NAVIGATING FROM HOLE #2 to TEE #3 - There is a path cut north of the basket to go down the hill. Please avoid going down the dirt paths on either side of the stone blocks.
ROUND #2 TEE ASSIGNMENTS - I will be working diligently to get second round tee assignments posted to the Disc Gauntlet Facebook page (www.facebook.com/DiscGauntlet/), the York Throwdown event page (www.facebook.com/events/314386996175964/), & Disc Golf Scene (https://www.discgolfscene.com/tournaments/York_Throwdown_2020/comments). Please check these places over the lunch hour. IF YOU ARE NOT THE FIRST PERSON ON YOUR CARD FOR SECOND ROUND, PLEASE REPORT DIRECTLY TO YOUR ASSIGNED TEE. If you are the first person on your tee, please stop by the scoreport to get the scorecard.
If you have any questions, please let me know!