Trevor Murphy  › Sheetz presents the 8th Annual Shenango Valley Disc Golf Open powered by Prodigy Disc   May 18, 2020 at 11:44am

After long thoughts and discussions, We have decided to Postpone the Sheetz presents the 8th Annual SVDGOpen powered by Prodigy until 2021.

With the Covid Closures and our Sponsors just not having the ground to stand on this year. It has made it really tough to raise the added cash as well as the other funds needed to host an event you have come to expect.

At this time we are unsure when The PDGA will allow PA to resume sanctioned play. Every great event involves weeks and months of preparation. Unfortunately, with so many uncertain when businesses will open, we cannot guarantee the value of the player packs our players have become accustomed to.

With that said we will be offering FULL Refunds to ALL Players on the List or on the Waitlist as well we are offering Players to Transfer their Registration to The Maynard pt 3.

As a Player you have 2 Options to choose.

1.) Full Refund - Head over to, find your name on the list, and click "Refund" and we will process your Refund in a Timely Fashion.

2.) Transfer Refund - We are offering players to Transfer their Registration over to The Maynard pt 3 which is a 2 Round C-Tier at the Pines DGC in September.
Players may choose to do this by following the link provided. Once Transfer is initiated they will be removed from the SVDGO Reg and Transferred over to The Maynard pt 3 and the remaining Monies from SVDGO Registration will be sent to you. If this is something you would like to do, please follow this link:

We do apologize about the inconvenience but our Player Safety and Park Relations are our top concern. We always want to bring you the BEST of what we can and unfortunately this is not the year to do that.

We hope you all the best and thank you again for your Support! We hope to see you at the Maynard part 3!!!!

James Flatt   May 18, 2020 at 1:14pm

Took option two, but only received 10 of the 20 dollar difference?

Trevor Murphy   May 18, 2020 at 1:27pm

Registration for SVDGO MA4 = $45 - Registration for Maynard3 MA4 = $35 / $10 Refund.

Trevor Murphy   May 18, 2020 at 1:31pm

My Apologies, I for some reason saw you in MA4 and not MA3, Refund on the way!

James Flatt   May 18, 2020 at 1:55pm

No worries mate! See ya at the Maynard