Joe 'SlugLord' Monteith  › Independence Lake County Park   May 14, 2020 at 2:54pm

Went out to Indy yesterday evening to recover my disc, thanks Glenn mad respect for climbing so high in that tree and returning my prized buzzz, you're freakin Rad. I balanced the karma Lorax-style by doing a little course clean-up, got a whole trash bag full of cans, bottles and other trash. Let's keep Indy beautiful, pack in/pack out.

Nate Krumm   May 14, 2020 at 3:09pm

Thanks Joe! That's very big of you to clean up the other lazy jerks garbage that don't understand what pack it in & pack it out means. Good karma is definitely coming your way!

Steve Nolff   May 14, 2020 at 6:24pm

Trash bag rounds = big karma points. Thanks Joe!!