In order to comply with CDC and POTUS recommendations we will change the format from shotgun start to tee times. (no group larger than 4somes, maybe some 5s) I will have them done in the next couple of days, and they will be posted here (DGS) and on PDGA website. Thanks for your patience and understanding. I am processing any WDs as soon as I receive them.
Will this be tee times playing straight through 36 holes?
Thanks for everything you are doing and working hard Chip!!
Thanks Chip!!!
Bradley, Im thinking that thru, that may be the way, taking a break in between rounds.
Thanks for keeping such a close eye on this, Chip. I am confident that whatever decision BnB and the NADGT makes, with regards to this tournament, will be arrived at after careful consideration. You guys rock. I just want to play disc golf!
as do we all Daniel!! Im working on tee times right now, they will be posted by later today
Btw after a breather, as in tomorrow, Imma posting your tee times that are done! we gonna have a ****in big party in July