The 2020 version of Flyin by the Bay 25 will be postponed.
After discussions with the YMCA, we all feel its best to reschedule the event. MD is in a state of emergency and we all feel its best ...
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The 2020 version of Flyin by the Bay 25 will be postponed.
After discussions with the YMCA, we all feel its best to reschedule the event. MD is in a state of emergency and we all feel its best to postpone this event.
As soon as I know more about when the new date will be, and what that will look like I will address any refunds and handle the fall out from the event needing to be moved.
Please give me some time to figure out the details, as there are more parties involved than disc golfers at the YMCA facilities.
As the public health is requiring more limited interaction, this is for the best.
I'll do what I can, I do hope we can find a date this spring before Camp opens for the kids this summer. But that may be out of our control entirely.