IF YOU CAN REGISTER BEFORE TOMORROW THAT WOULD HELP US OUT TREMENDOUSLY!! The less we have to touch money and exchange items, the better.
We are still playing Sunday. The park is ready ...
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IF YOU CAN REGISTER BEFORE TOMORROW THAT WOULD HELP US OUT TREMENDOUSLY!! The less we have to touch money and exchange items, the better.
We are still playing Sunday. The park is ready and waiting for everyone!!
Lunch and water/drinks will be your own responsibility.
Please be considerate of others and their choices during this event.
If you have hand sanitizer, please bring it and use it often. Wash your hands during lunch if possible.
We will be using UDisc to keep score. Someone on each card must have a smart phone to do this for each round, as we are trying to eliminate paper and passing it around.
At the end of each round the person keeping score will need to walk up to give the team scores to the TD and Staff.
We greatly appreciate your understanding during this time. We want to have as much fun as possible, while not jeopardizing anyone also.