Northeast Ohio Indoor Putting League   February 9, 2020 at 6:23pm

February Poker Side Game - Week 1

During the first week, 16 people entered the Poker Side game, leaving the pot at $16 after 1 week. This is our "Hold Em" style hand, and we will draw the second of our pocket cards next week, followed by a 3 card community flop in week 3 and one additional personal card, before drawing final cards in week 4. The best 5 card hand will win.

Even if you didn't enter the first week, you can still enter. But you can only have cards available for each week that you pay. This still leaves 6 cards in play for anybody that missed out in week 1. In the instance that you miss a week, a "tentative" card will be pulled for you after all present players have gotten their card. Once you pay for that missed week, you will get to see your card. This is only the case once you buy in for a week.

I am also offering the opportunity to pay for all weeks ahead of time if needed. So if you want to pay the buy-in the first week (or the remainder at any given week), you are more than welcome to. A good bit of people decided to do this for the first week, and it's the easiest way to make sure you get a card each week (just in case I forget about you and don't pull a tentative card).

And just a reminder...similar as to last year, for this second week we will bu pulling cards in reverse order of points finish for this week. So the lowest score of those who have entered will pull their card first, with the highest points total going last. Each week we will switch off with highest / lowest points totals to keep it fair for all who have entered.

See you all Tuesday at 6:30 PM for practice, with league starting promptly at 7!!!