#Rockapsco week 4 leaderboard updated. The hot front 9 went to Brett Wolter (27) and the back 9 went to Jonathan Harris and Will Dobrzykowski (27). The hot round of 55 on this blustery day went to Wolter and Harris (55 - preliminarily rated 981) with Jeff Swatso Watson coming in at 56. Hole 5 was the hardest (4.1) and hole 16 the easiest (3.3). CTPs went to Swatso (3) and Randall Lazarus (10). Notable birdies: Wolter (2, 18), Lazarus (10), Dobrzykowski (12, 15), and Swatso (13). Best score could have been a 47. Next week, 11/23, we are back at Rockburn. Shout-out to Hawk Corrick and his donation of DGA - Disc Golf Association plastic for the CTP winners. https://www.discgolfscene.com/leagues/Rockapsco_League_6_2019_Fall/leaderboards https://www.pdga.com/tour/event/42774
Rockapsco League #6 - 2019 Fall November 16, 2019 at 8:08pm
PTAP 11/16 Results
#Rockapsco week 4 leaderboard updated. The hot front 9 went to Brett Wolter (27) and the back 9 went to Jonathan Harris and Will Dobrzykowski (27). The hot round of 55 on this blustery day went to Wolter and Harris (55 - preliminarily rated 981) with Jeff Swatso Watson coming in at 56. Hole 5 was the hardest (4.1) and hole 16 the easiest (3.3). CTPs went to Swatso (3) and Randall Lazarus (10). Notable birdies: Wolter (2, 18), Lazarus (10), Dobrzykowski (12, 15), and Swatso (13). Best score could have been a 47. Next week, 11/23, we are back at Rockburn. Shout-out to Hawk Corrick and his donation of DGA - Disc Golf Association plastic for the CTP winners.