Super Safari at Firefighters - Monday 10/14/19 & 10/21/19
Super Safari at Firefighters Monday 10/14/19 & 10/21/19
Don't forget about a fun round of Safari on Monday October 14th and Monday October 21st. Sign Up: 5:30. Tee off: 5:45. $10/person, $2 Ace Pool. Random Draw Best Shot. We usually finish in the light, but bring your glow, flashlights, spotlights, whatever it takes to see your disc.
The Super Pool October 12, 2019 at 1:15am
Super Safari at Firefighters - Monday 10/14/19 & 10/21/19
Super Safari at Firefighters Monday 10/14/19 & 10/21/19
Don't forget about a fun round of Safari on Monday October 14th and Monday October 21st. Sign Up: 5:30. Tee off: 5:45. $10/person, $2 Ace Pool. Random Draw Best Shot. We usually finish in the light, but bring your glow, flashlights, spotlights, whatever it takes to see your disc.