Hey Barry and all! A good question, but Anthony's nailed it... we haven't been able to run the event reliably in a short enough time (for the late-summer/fall months), so we have to hold to 18 holes on both courses. We've run the tournament a few times in July and for those tournaments we've used all 48 holes. Maybe next year!!
Adding 6 holes would increase the time of the event substantially is my guess
I'm with Barry.
The extras are soo fun tho! & its on a sunday funday
Hey Barry and all! A good question, but Anthony's nailed it... we haven't been able to run the event reliably in a short enough time (for the late-summer/fall months), so we have to hold to 18 holes on both courses. We've run the tournament a few times in July and for those tournaments we've used all 48 holes. Maybe next year!!