Refer to the Leaderboard for those that qualify for the final 16. Reply to this post or to me 907-351-0494 if you will be there or NOT by Monday 5 pm. Once we have 16 confirmed, random partners will be paired and cards will be made up. Positions will be based on leaderboard. ie Som Bouasri at 5. Jonas Moser at 6. Rodney Weeks will be out of state meaning Andrew Rodgers will take spot #16 with others moving up one spot to account for Rodney not being able to participate. We will start finale on 09-11-19 at Kincaid when everyone is accounted for or 6:30pm whichever occurs first. All finale tie-breakers will be decided by sudden death playoff or CTP depending on daylight.
I'll be there
I'm in
hey ya
I’m in
I'm in
I’m in
I'll be there
I'm in
Im in
Gabe Kutcher Confirmed
Adam Cooper confirmed
Jerry LaVine Confirmed
Tom Voight Confirmed
Killian Flannery Confirmed
And I make 16 confirmed
Random partners will be made using a random sequence generator and hole assignments will be posted by Wednesday 5pm. If for any reason you can't make it let me know so a replacement can be arranged before Wednesday 5pm.