Gorgeous weather was bestowed upon us for the league finals! Sunny and 78 degrees. Utter perfection!
The 2019 Finals layout: Around The Outside
Blue 3 thru 10
Green 7 thru 18 w safari 15 to 17 ...
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Gorgeous weather was bestowed upon us for the league finals! Sunny and 78 degrees. Utter perfection!
The 2019 Finals layout: Around The Outside
Blue 3 thru 10
Green 7 thru 18 w safari 15 to 17.
Par 58.
After an absolutely red hot finish to the last third of the season, Deuce finished the deal in the final four playoff. He won his 2nd league championship. 2J is now the 2013-2019 Champ!
In Doubles Tom (Ace) Carpenter wins the Chainstar Pro in a playoff with Tony ($1982) Vidal. Very Nice job in the playoffs this season Tom! And thanks for watching over my shoulder all year!
Old People was won By Brent Moreno laying claim to the first ever Friday Night Masters champion title, $100 and a sweet ass golf pencil!
The ace pool was won by Cody V ($100) and John Hamel ($50.)
Thank you all for playing and well see you next year.