For those that are asking about spotters I have e-mailed those that have reached out to John or myself. However, if you still want to spot we are more than welcome to have you!! Please check in at the white tent behind hole 1 on the Toboggan. We are capping the spotters to 20, but don't let that turn you away!
Priority will be given to those that can work a full day, or until the lead card finishes your hole. Lunch will be provided to those that work 6+ hours, a shirt (to everyone), and a disc an hour. Those spending all day with us get rewarded from picking for the special stash.
Please check in starting at 0700 EST.
Right now we are in EDT. So 0700 EST is 0800 EDT , current local time. In Michigsn EST is winter, EDT is summer.
I thought it stood for Eastern Standard Time. The more you know.
I'm looking to spot friday, do I just show up at 7? Or is there a way to sign in early
I'm looking to spot friday, do I just show up at 7? Or is there a way to sign in early
Chris, my wife and I would be willing to work an entire day, but coming from Grand Rapids, we would have to know which day so we can make plans for our kids. If you still need full day spotters, plesae let me know asap so I can make arrangements.
trying to work all weekend but need rides from Lansing!
Priority goes to those that want to work full days. I know we haven't got 20 commitments, it's still a first come first serve.
We will be there at 7 am on Sunday to work the entire day. Me and my wife.