Robert Roosa  › Ingham Park   June 6, 2019 at 2:53pm

Played a couple of putter only single mold rounds last night with my Discraft Roaches. Very enjoyable. Last year I was throwing a lot of mids on this course, but having trouble finding the right power level, as I was pushing them past the baskets (into the thicket) quite often. I can only throw a Roach about 200 on a line (at full power), so that solved that!

All that being said, my Dad an I want to give a shoutout to Wes and all of the other volunteers for keeping this place in great shape. The new signage looks great.

Also, I lost a watermelon red Roach to the left of the mando on 3. If you find it, feel free to keep it.

Wesley Shinevar   June 6, 2019 at 3:02pm

Thanks Robert!~ We are hoping to get cement pads in there some time in July to finalize things. We have received approval and funding from the City. I just have to set the date and get it organized :D