
2019 Indiana State Doubles Championships

PDGA B-tier Doubles · Sun, Jun 2, 2019Jun 2019 · Crown Point, IN

Dustin Barrett So my friend and I want to play. I am 908 rated, and my friend hasn't disc golfed in six months, and he's pretty much a novice (no PDGA number). If we want to play, do we have to play intermediate since I'm above 900? May 3, 2019
Dustin Barrett May 3, 2019 I also ask because there is 1 900+ player in rec already.
Jay Svitko May 3, 2019
Yes, you must play to the higher rated players division.....From the PDGA - All players MUST be elig ... show more ›
Jay Svitko May 3, 2019 I will be double checking the rating of all players to verify they are playing in the correct divisions. If they are not, I will contact them to ask if they want to move or withdraw....
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