2019 April's Fools   April 7, 2019 at 10:09pm

Target Ace Rules Changes

After getting a league consensus today, the following points will be given for league aces, target aces included:

Target Ace using Multiple Targets on a hole -- 10 points
Target Ace of Drive using one Target -- 15 points
Natural Ace -- 25 points
Target 0 -- 30 points

Target aces will not include the use of the Wheel of Misfortune. If you land on "Subtract -1 stroke" and score a 2, becoming a 1 with the subtracted stroke, that is not a target ace. A target must be used to gain these types of points.

Also, adjustments have been made to the Week 1 points with these rules. Dan Sutterlin still gets credit for a target ace and gets 15 points with no change. Both Bruce Shirer and Thomas Norman used multiple targets to get their aces, so they each will receive 10 points for these aces. This subtracts 5 points from Thomas's score, as it was originally conveyed as a Target Ace off the drive. Two targets were used. Bruce Shirer gains five points, as before league vote, 5 points was given for the multiple target ace. Points have been adjusted for week 1, and everything should be correct.

Week two results and points updates will come Wednesday this week.

Thanks to the 26 golfers who came out for week 2! I'm only down to 2 bag tags now and will be probably order 10 more to make sure we have enough.

See you all next Sunday at 11!!!