Jerid Ludwig Mar 27, 2019Unfortunately last year didn't have enough interest. Each year growing more popularity. If enough interest I would be more than happy to add divisions.
If there is not a spot on the form for entering at 50+ how do you know the interest? There are seven ...
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If there is not a spot on the form for entering at 50+ how do you know the interest? There are seven players signed up in 40+ that are eligible to participate in 50+ and 60+ divisions. That is 35% of your field. All divisions should be offered if there are not enough to fill, then combine them with the next division.
Jerid Ludwig Mar 28, 2019Based off the feedback from the tournaments in the past is how I am basing my T.D decision. I understand what you are saying. Thanks for the advice and I will look into add divisions in the future.
Marc Zelov Apr 10, 2019I would switch to AM50+ if you opened it up and shortened the field for AM40+...perhaps several would as well.
Jerid Ludwig Apr 11, 2019We are talking about it right now.I will let you know.
Marc Zelov Apr 15, 2019What decision did you make?
Jerid Ludwig Apr 15, 2019I am going to open it up this week.
Marc Zelov Apr 15, 2019Thanks for doing that. Please move me to MA50+...That would be awesome.