Week 13 Funds Report 20 total players (1 new player) League Championship Fund: $246 League Party Fund: $244 Lithuanian Club / Raffle Fund: $65 The League Party Fund will max at $250. Any remaining funds after that will go the league trophy and then the Lithuanian Club after expenses to cover said trophy. League Championship Fund Payout: 1st - 35% 2nd - 25% 3rd - 20% 4th - 15% 5th - 5%
Northeast Ohio Indoor Putting League February 26, 2019 at 8:41pm
Week 13 Funds Report
Week 13 Funds Report
20 total players (1 new player)
League Championship Fund: $246
League Party Fund: $244
Lithuanian Club / Raffle Fund: $65
The League Party Fund will max at $250. Any remaining funds after that will go the league trophy and then the Lithuanian Club after expenses to cover said trophy.
League Championship Fund Payout:
1st - 35%
2nd - 25%
3rd - 20%
4th - 15%
5th - 5%