2019 April's Fools   February 22, 2019 at 11:32pm

League Points Details

Points are earned by:

Weekly Finish (1 point given for yourself and every person you beat. Ties that are within the payout spots will be thrown off to determine payout and standings. Ties below payout spots will not be thrown off for and players will be awarded the same amount of points)

Target Assisted Ace (score of 0 on card) -- 30 points
Natural Ace (must be on drive only ) -- 25 points

Set up and/or Take Down Assistance -- 2 points each
Target Return (carrying back targets from your finishing hole) -- 1 point

Prize Donation to weekly league bag tag raffle -- 1 point (can be more based on value of prize)

Target Donation to league -- 2-5 points (depending on complexity and size of target) -- does not apply to old targets from previous years!!!

Points are lost by:

Being late for league - We start at 11 sharp!!! If you are late, you will have 1 point deducted from you overall points standing.

Forgetting a bag tag - If you do not bring your bag tag to league, you will be deducted 1 point from your overall points standing.

Losing a bag tag - If a bag tag is lost, 3 points will be deducted from your overall points standing.

Unsportsmanlike Conduct - if you are arguing, fighting, or causing and unnecessary problem during league, you will have 1-3 points deducted from your overall standing. This must be a card / group consensus, with the league participants from that week voting on the amount of points deducted for the infraction.

This league is aimed to be silly and fun, yet competitive. Please keep a good attitude and understand everybody is dealing with the same tomfoolery. It isn't called April's Fools for nothing!!!!

Larry Bright Jr.   April 7, 2019 at 10:14pm

Please note now that a Target Ace (target used off drive to score a 1) is now worth 15 points. If multiple targets are used to score a 1, it is worth 10 points. This was decided upon and agreed by the league consensus today to clarify those that used multiple targets to gain a score of 1 during We ... more