Don't forget raffle tickets for the MVP Black Hole Precision basket that will be raffled off at the league party can be earned through prize donations or the purchase of raffle tickets ($1 each or 6 for $5) at each league night!! Money earned will help purchase more prizes to be given away at the league party, with the remainder then going to the Lithuanian Club. I'd like to have around 30 prizes to give out, including the Axiom Pro and Precision basket so everybody gets a little something. So please help support the prize fund by either donating some goodies or purchasing tickets!!
Northeast Ohio Indoor Putting League January 20, 2019 at 9:01pm
MVP Black Hole Precision Basket Raffle
Don't forget raffle tickets for the MVP Black Hole Precision basket that will be raffled off at the league party can be earned through prize donations or the purchase of raffle tickets ($1 each or 6 for $5) at each league night!! Money earned will help purchase more prizes to be given away at the league party, with the remainder then going to the Lithuanian Club. I'd like to have around 30 prizes to give out, including the Axiom Pro and Precision basket so everybody gets a little something. So please help support the prize fund by either donating some goodies or purchasing tickets!!