In the past, we have held a fun gift exchange. Participation is completely is how it works:
Bring a new disc (typical new disc value is around $15....wrapped of course. Discs should be new, non-inked, and unthrown.
If you do not have one, I will have our club inventory on hand if you wanted to purchase one and participate.
We will play our league round and then at the conclusion, gifts will be selected....winning scores from the round will have first choice at the "gifts" that were brought (assuming that they participated and brought one themselves).
2nd place will go next, and so on until all gifts have been selected. We have done this for the past few years I think things have gone well. In addition to that, who does not like getting some new disc golf gear?
Please let me know if you have any questions.
When? Next Wednesday night league round?
Good point Bo....Dec 19th, 2 weeks from yesterday.