Week 1 Fund Reports
22 total players (5 new players)
League Championship Fund: $24
League Party Fund: $22
19 players paid their League entry fee. Once 24 have paid, the remaining funds w ...
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Week 1 Fund Reports
22 total players (5 new players)
League Championship Fund: $24
League Party Fund: $22
19 players paid their League entry fee. Once 24 have paid, the remaining funds will be donated to the Club.
Also, We will be raffling off prizes at the end of year, just like last year. The Axiom Pro basket tickets will be earned each week you play after paying the League Entry Fee. Tickets will be given retroactively if once paid. The Black Hole Precision basket will be the marquee item to be raffled at the end of year. There will be other prizes, including discs and other swag that will be raffled, just like last year. I will accept donations in lieu of tickets for the Bonus Prize raffle, with 1 ticket given for every $5 worth of prize donations (e.g. 3 for a new disc, 1 for a towel or mini, etc.) You will also be able to purchase tickets for this Bonus Raffle beginning next week, with the standard $1 each or 6 for $5. All proceeds raised during the bonus raffle will go: 25% to prizes / 75% to the Lithuanian Club. Players will not need to be present at the League Party to win prizes...I will make sure you get what you win.