2018 Wednesday Night Doubles   September 11, 2018 at 7:53pm

09-12-18 Finale

Hole assignments and pairings follow:
Hole #1 Joe Caissie w/ Cade Loving and Jeremy Boyd w/ Joe Schacht.
Hole #3 Jared O'Brien w/ Brian Cassidy and Loren Benedict w/ Jonas Moser.
Hole #5 Som Bouasri w/ Chad Rutledge and Luke Monyer w/ Robinson Culver.
Hole #17 Dale Williams w/ Adam Cooper and Shay Stewart w/ Scott Groves.
Pairings were done using random.org random sequence generator.
Pay/Check in with me by 6:15pm. We will start when everyone is accounted for or 6:30pm whichever happens first.
Finale tie-breakers will be decided by sudden death playoff or CTP depending on daylight.
Any questions please let me know.

Joe Schacht   September 11, 2018 at 9:07pm

I see some super stacked teams. It'll be a blood bath for sure!