Chris hits the ace at BRATS on White 7. That's right, the El Dorado hole!
Chris was kind enoughto grill food before the round for us and was justly rewarded!
Jake Asel and Jason Rogers shot the hot round of 46 on the shortened White and Blue layout that we played.
Next week we are back at Brighton rec with the acepool at $121.
Daylight is dwindling so i suggest bringing a few glow.
We have been discussing moving the teeoff back an hour to 7 for more of a glow round but we can decide when we meet this week for future dates.
So we will stick to the 6pm tee for this coming week,
2018 Lizard Games Outlaw Doubles August 29, 2018 at 10:36pm
Congratulations Chris Smith!
Chris hits the ace at BRATS on White 7. That's right, the El Dorado hole!
Chris was kind enoughto grill food before the round for us and was justly rewarded!
Jake Asel and Jason Rogers shot the hot round of 46 on the shortened White and Blue layout that we played.
Next week we are back at Brighton rec with the acepool at $121.
Daylight is dwindling so i suggest bringing a few glow.
We have been discussing moving the teeoff back an hour to 7 for more of a glow round but we can decide when we meet this week for future dates.
So we will stick to the 6pm tee for this coming week,
Thank you all for coming out and see you soon