Why move the Ace Race? Not sure all the history but the A3 Ace Race was not going to take place this year. A3 hosts a lot of events each year which is a lot of work. Several people started talking about bringing it back to Ann Arbor. Ron Howard talked to me and others about the idea and championed it and spread the idea to several other groups and players. Ron and I talked with A3 to confirm there were no concerns and Bill expressed he liked the idea of the clubs/leagues coming together to run the Ace Race. From our perspective it came down to MBD (Brown Park - the original spot) or Rolling Hills. With the Lodge at Rolling having some great advantages we talked with Steve to see if this was a possibility. Steve was very receptive to the idea and helped coordinate schedules with the "Bikers" who always have a Black Friday Ride, starting and ending at the lodge. So for no money, no reduction in Ace Pool, we get to use the great room of the lodge, which is great to have on a nice day and worth it's weight in gold in bad weather. We also get access to 6 extra baskets to make the quicker Ace Run rounds even more fun. It's just a great easy event to bring the clubs and players together to have fun. We'll give Rolling Hills a try and decide what to do next year depending on club/player involvement and desires.
Foz Miller › Cooperative Ace Race at Rolling Hills 2012 October 22, 2012 at 5:34pm
Why move the Ace Race? Not sure all the history but the A3 Ace Race was not going to take place this year. A3 hosts a lot of events each year which is a lot of work. Several people started talking about bringing it back to Ann Arbor. Ron Howard talked to me and others about the idea and championed it and spread the idea to several other groups and players. Ron and I talked with A3 to confirm there were no concerns and Bill expressed he liked the idea of the clubs/leagues coming together to run the Ace Race. From our perspective it came down to MBD (Brown Park - the original spot) or Rolling Hills. With the Lodge at Rolling having some great advantages we talked with Steve to see if this was a possibility. Steve was very receptive to the idea and helped coordinate schedules with the "Bikers" who always have a Black Friday Ride, starting and ending at the lodge. So for no money, no reduction in Ace Pool, we get to use the great room of the lodge, which is great to have on a nice day and worth it's weight in gold in bad weather. We also get access to 6 extra baskets to make the quicker Ace Run rounds even more fun. It's just a great easy event to bring the clubs and players together to have fun. We'll give Rolling Hills a try and decide what to do next year depending on club/player involvement and desires.