Might be two of us interested in playing MA50. Any possibility of that and are there others interested in playing MA50? Thanks and looking forward to playing a tournament on these amazing courses!
If you register I can make a division for this, just put in the notes what division you would want to play in if there was no ma50 group. It will be a great day!!
If you register I can make a division for this, just put in the notes what division you would want to play in if there was no ma50 group. It will be a great day!!
*register and I will make the division and move you into it, if all else fails I'll move you to your preferred division that you put in the notes.
Awesome... We’ll go ahead and register. Thanks!
I've gone ahead and started a division for it, put in the notes which division is your alternate division if there is not enough players. Thanks!
That's great!
Two of us are signed up now (hopefully more to come). What tees do you think we'll use for this division?