The TD is not showing the registered list of players because the only players to register are the 7 that are shown on this site and they have not paid. If people would preregister, I would show them. ...
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The TD is not showing the registered list of players because the only players to register are the 7 that are shown on this site and they have not paid. If people would preregister, I would show them. People just want to show up that morning and play. There will be a really nice players pack and payout for those who do show up.
We made it easy for people to preregister thru Q Hut where you can use a credit card over the phone... no pay pal or other registration fees.
As for the format, most 2-day tournaments are 72 holes. Canton was designed with 24 holes so you could play 3 rounds and have a 72 hole torunament. Traveling players could finish the second day, leave after lunch and get home at a decent time to go to work the next day. Recent Hall of Chains have turned into 96 hole endurance events stessing quantity over quality. Playing 2 rounds of 24 in Canton, then 18 and 9 in Massillon gives you 77 holes, traveling players can still get home at a decent time. The Final 9 gives players who might never play in Showcase Final 9 a little bit of that feel because it is different... there is more urgency in that last round.
I am trying to keep something positive going for Canton. Hall of Chains has a 21 years history and a lot of people would hate to see that end. It would be a shame if a few negative elements would keep people away from this tournament and have the Hall of Chains come to an end. Hope to see you all there Saturday.