Great turn out last night! 19 players which bumps the Ace Pool up to $178. Welcome Ben S and Mitchell L, and welcome back Zach S!
Hot night of golf went to Jake W, not only shot a 48 (-8), but hit a MONSTER putt on hole 5 for the CTP disc. He was followed closely by Doug W with a 49 (-7) and Mark G with a 50 (-6). Ton of other great scores last night, good throwing everyone! For us PDGA people, I should have the scores uploaded in a couple hours.
Next week once again at 5:30. Work continues on the new Hole 4 and hopefully will have it up and throwable in the nest couple of weeks. Also a reminder, second Tuesday of July (7/10) we have been invited back by Terry Calhoun to play BRATS, so everyone work on your A Game, it can be a rough course!
See you all next Tuesday, have a great week!
2018 NorthRidge Church Sanctioned Singles Summer League June 13, 2018 at 9:13am
Week 1 results
Great turn out last night! 19 players which bumps the Ace Pool up to $178. Welcome Ben S and Mitchell L, and welcome back Zach S!
Hot night of golf went to Jake W, not only shot a 48 (-8), but hit a MONSTER putt on hole 5 for the CTP disc. He was followed closely by Doug W with a 49 (-7) and Mark G with a 50 (-6). Ton of other great scores last night, good throwing everyone! For us PDGA people, I should have the scores uploaded in a couple hours.
Next week once again at 5:30. Work continues on the new Hole 4 and hopefully will have it up and throwable in the nest couple of weeks. Also a reminder, second Tuesday of July (7/10) we have been invited back by Terry Calhoun to play BRATS, so everyone work on your A Game, it can be a rough course!
See you all next Tuesday, have a great week!