《《《《《NIGHT MOOSE SUNDAY at 10:30am》》》》 Night Moose Spring / Summer 2018 starts this Sunday at 10:30am 3/25/18. Ace pool starts at 330.Willow Metro Park meet in paved parking lot by hole 2.All shorts every week.Hope to see everyone out this year.
Dave Lassen › Team Night Moose March 23, 2018 at 1:58pm
《《《《《NIGHT MOOSE SUNDAY at 10:30am》》》》
Night Moose Spring / Summer 2018 starts this Sunday at 10:30am 3/25/18.
Ace pool starts at 330.Willow Metro Park meet in paved parking lot by hole 2.All shorts every week.Hope to see everyone out this year.