Make sure to come get your practice in for the PPO this sunday 3/18 @ 9AM at Perkerson Park. League is Sunday Service IX and we'll be playing the black pads this week. $2 minimum for PDGA rated round, $5 gets you in on 2 CTP's and ACE ( $134), and $10 ALL-IN $5 goes to payout of top 2-3 spots depending on the turnout.
Reed Irvine › Perkerson Park Open 2018 Sticky March 13, 2018 at 2:57pm
Make sure to come get your practice in for the PPO this sunday 3/18 @ 9AM at Perkerson Park. League is Sunday Service IX and we'll be playing the black pads this week. $2 minimum for PDGA rated round, $5 gets you in on 2 CTP's and ACE ( $134), and $10 ALL-IN $5 goes to payout of top 2-3 spots depending on the turnout.