Phill DilonĂ©  › First Annual Spin Out @ Spindler Park   March 11, 2018 at 1:02am

Also there were 17 people that pre paid....

If you could all bring $30 cash that would be great... they money is not coming out of my paypal... and you will get a full refund.

Please and thanks you.

Jason Williams (2x)
Joe Pampalonna
David Walls
Nathan Underwood
Michael Shaw Jr. (2x)
Jones Jones
NIck Rogers
Michael Battjes
Jordan Sell
Aaron Nitz
Mike Karala
Brian Perryman
David Tomlinson
Joe Levell

Duncan Underwood   March 11, 2018 at 1:32am

Me and Nick Richardson as well

Justin Nellis   March 11, 2018 at 6:15am

I count 26 people pre paid