Six months til the next round of charity events, eh? I have really enjoyed these, and I have a bit of a dream, and I think it's a realistic one.
For the 2013 FFFCT, I think we should aim high...perhaps 20 grand high...or more!
I think we should set up a formal letter that competitors could take to their employers and co-workers interested in sponsoring, and perhaps have a get-together to prepare mailers to send to companies throughout NE ohio to ask them for sponsorship.
I'm thinking something kinda creative, like match $x per dollar raised through entries. Say we cap 6 events at 90 golfers. That's 540 golfers. Anyone who pledges even a dime an entry knows that their donation will be capped at $54, and probably expect only half of that. So, say $25 per individual pledge. Now, multiply that by say an average of 2 sponsors per golfer (many will have none, some may have a dozen or so to offset), and you'd be looking at an additional $12,500 for the charity through individual sponsorships alone! And that's before corporate sponsors even enter the equation.
Corporate sponsors we could offer similar pledges, or perhaps 1 to 1 matching, offer them a cap on donation, and offer them a fixed donation. We could also hit them up for food, drinks, prizes, and added cash offerings to allow us to turn these events into full-field events after all. The thing is, we need at least a few of us making even a small effort, and if many jump on board, we could really turn this into front-page Plain Dealer (OK, stuff.
Please offer your thoughts here, and for those who can, I'd like to try to give these ideas a little more structure, perhaps early this Sunday in Medina before the tournament, spending 20-30 minutes trying to gauge support and what ideas may/may not work. If the organizers of the 2013 event give their blessing, I'm going to seek sponsors regardless, but I'd like to make this as fulfilling as possible, so please consider your input and participation.
Eric, Eric, Katie, and All Interested,
Six months til the next round of charity events, eh? I have really enjoyed these, and I have a bit of a dream, and I think it's a realistic one.
For the 2013 FFFCT, I think we should aim high...perhaps 20 grand high...or more!
I think we should set up a formal letter that competitors could take to their employers and co-workers interested in sponsoring, and perhaps have a get-together to prepare mailers to send to companies throughout NE ohio to ask them for sponsorship.
I'm thinking something kinda creative, like match $x per dollar raised through entries. Say we cap 6 events at 90 golfers. That's 540 golfers. Anyone who pledges even a dime an entry knows that their donation will be capped at $54, and probably expect only half of that. So, say $25 per individual pledge. Now, multiply that by say an average of 2 sponsors per golfer (many will have none, some may have a dozen or so to offset), and you'd be looking at an additional $12,500 for the charity through individual sponsorships alone! And that's before corporate sponsors even enter the equation.
Corporate sponsors we could offer similar pledges, or perhaps 1 to 1 matching, offer them a cap on donation, and offer them a fixed donation. We could also hit them up for food, drinks, prizes, and added cash offerings to allow us to turn these events into full-field events after all. The thing is, we need at least a few of us making even a small effort, and if many jump on board, we could really turn this into front-page Plain Dealer (OK, stuff.
Please offer your thoughts here, and for those who can, I'd like to try to give these ideas a little more structure, perhaps early this Sunday in Medina before the tournament, spending 20-30 minutes trying to gauge support and what ideas may/may not work. If the organizers of the 2013 event give their blessing, I'm going to seek sponsors regardless, but I'd like to make this as fulfilling as possible, so please consider your input and participation.
Kevin Hitch