Casey, the players package will be worth more than $70. No one was disappointed last year. With that ...
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Casey, the players package will be worth more than $70. No one was disappointed last year. With that said, please keep in mind that NorCal Series charges $5 per person, and PDGA charges $3 per person.
Casey Jensen Jan 10, 2018Didn't ever think we'd be disappointed. Ive just never been to a trophy only event. Looking forward to playing this event, and these courses for the first time!
A.J. Wecker Jan 10, 2018Thanks Casey! Glad you will be making your first Otter Open! Make sure you figure out lodging ASAP. Monterey area hotels can get pricey. Let me know if you need help with anything!
Miles Mantell Jan 11, 2018air bnb is the way, there are some really affordable spots
Stevo McGaughy Jan 13, 2018if you guys have your flex proline hurricane's hook it up.. lol trying to stack up they dont make nomore..