Merry X-mas to all you lovely pirates! We had a blast out a the hills of Cass on Christmas Eve! 16 pirates came to so their love. We play 18 shorts with hole #5 from the longs (because #3 long was all ...
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Merry X-mas to all you lovely pirates! We had a blast out a the hills of Cass on Christmas Eve! 16 pirates came to so their love. We play 18 shorts with hole #5 from the longs (because #3 long was all ice). Taking the W, not sure how ya'll let it happen, was Nels/Reslock at -11, way to go partner! Also, taking $38 and a pile of pirate booty, give him your praise, Scottie Reslock!! CHAAAAAAAAAA!! YAY ME!! It happened on hole #15 and it was wonderful! Phipps took the 50/50 and Blackass took the Merch!
This week we will be headed to Bandi for our annual disc exchange! Rules are bring a new disc ($15-$20 in value) wrapped. You can go above & beyond if you so choose. At the conclusion of the round we will go from best to worst score and everyone who brought a present will get a present. Also there will be a $10 optional buy in for the CTP's that will be on every hole and for the ace pool that will be paid out that day either by hitting an ace or a throw off at the end. Our normal ace pool will be put away for the day (which is good because it has been decimated as of late! lol) I hope to see a lot of pirates, last year we had a big crowd! CHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!