WC GLOW FALL/WINTER 2017   November 2, 2017 at 3:13am

Glow Recap 11.01

We had 31 players in attendance tonight....great turnout. Hot scores for the night were -16 by Plantz/Kerns and Sprow/Reslock. we had a -15 by Frame-o/Neal, and winning the throw off in a massive 7 team playoff was Boucher/Chapman and last cash was taken by Phipps/Izeluk.

CTPs were earned by Reslock (Merch), and the 100% CTPs went to Fifer and Rolfe-Chin.

The Bandemer Glopen is coming up quick (Saturday, Nov. 11th). This event is posted in the tournament section. It will be a great event. Please consider coming out to play the 27 hole round.

We are back at MBD next week. Have a great weekend.