Greetings everyone, We are planning to provide everyone with their Zuca cart at check-in. The UPS Store will be onsite on Sunday to coordinate shipping should anyone want to ship their players package/winnings home.
With regards to the format - it will be the same layout as the Memorial Championship and will not be changed between rounds. The Caddybook for that event can be found here:
The cart may be able to fit in the overhead compartment if the wheels are removed.
Thanks, Pat; I think the link for the caddy book is not working?
Though, to be fair, Jomez' coverage with Sexton and McBeth commentating is a pretty good substitute...
hmmm... works fine for me...
weird...tried on a different device, and it loaded...
Same layout including raised baskets?
I believe so. The course crew is sending us a summary of the layout - so there may be a few minor changes. We will post them as soon as they are available and they will be in the Player Guide
Pat, still seems to be some confusion; does this mean we're playing the same courses as the Memorial? (i.e., Fountain Hills, Fiesta Lakes, and Vista XL) Or do you mean we're playing a bunch of rounds at Fountain Hills only, using the Memorial's layout?
Fountain Hills only - Memorial Layout
Thanks, Pat!
Good question Jesse, I interpreted the caddy book link to indicate we were playing all 3 courses. Fountain Hills - Memorial Layout all 6 rounds will still be a treat :)