Hey can anyone tell me if i have to be a nefa member to play in this. I will be in the barre open, i was in otterbrook summer slap, and playing in franklin falls open. Does that qualify me? Can i sign up
Ive also played muldoon lftd south shore open at pyramids and the last muldoon tournament 2 weeks ago. I dont know how to check if those were nefa events or not. But if i signed up for nefa would i qualify or not.
Yes, you have to be a NEFA member to play. You also need to play 3 NEFA events in your division in all of 2017.
So can i sign up to be a nefa member now. And will the otterbrook tournament count even though i was not a member when i played it
Franklin Falls is not a NEFA event. if its your first time being a NEFA member, we would count Otterbrook, but that would only make 2.
Ive also played muldoon lftd south shore open at pyramids and the last muldoon tournament 2 weeks ago. I dont know how to check if those were nefa events or not. But if i signed up for nefa would i qualify or not.
I don't thin Muldoon was NEFA, check this calendar, look for the NEFA tag on the left, let me know if you've played 3: http://www.nefa.com/Events/default.asp?year=2017