Yes. Players will be required to use only the 3 discs that come in the players pack. This makes fo ...
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Yes. Players will be required to use only the 3 discs that come in the players pack. This makes for a really fun event because no one will have thrown any of these discs until the day of the event. I can update the event details to include this information.
Eric Marsthing Jul 11, 2017Cool! MVP's version of the Trilogy Challenge
Jared Terry Jul 12, 2017Yeah, that's right. A little different but essentially the same. Lots of fun so we hope to see you there! Registration to open soon once I have the course reserved for certain.
Jared Terry Jul 12, 2017I have set registration to open tomorrow morning.
Jared Terry Jul 12, 2017Please note that I had to change the location for this event to Art Dye.