Brandon Burgess
hello new player here. im interested in registering for my first tournament. Are there any pre-requisite like handicap etc.. that I would need or just register and show up on the 24th ? thanks have a good day Jun 12, 2017
Brandon Langston Jun 12, 2017This is not a handicap or pdga event. It is meant for a fun beginner tournament. We give away lots of stuff and make them very fun.
Brandon Burgess Jun 12, 2017cool thank you so much looking forward to it !
Brandon Burgess Jun 12, 2017Sorry to bother but being new to the sport once registered and come the day of . Do you usually send out like where we meet etc ? Thanks again.
Brandon Langston Jun 12, 2017We will meet at the pavilion by the parking lot between the two hole 1's. We will have a quick meeting and sign in and give away packs.