Lada R  › United Flyers of Sonoma   June 6, 2017 at 10:08am

Hello fellow disc golfer,

My name is. Lada Rezek, PDGA#54893, I play for the Burnaby DGC, I am average disc golf player with a bad back and funny chin beard. After dropping out of a tournament again, due to my back issues, I decided to heal.

During this healing process I wanted to help my club and become a bigger part of disc golf. It is then I went on an adventure. One I hope the disc golf community will embrace and am sending this message to all disc golf clubs. Well as many as I can.

After 10 months of hard work, abiding by guidelines, dealing with little issues, and a pre-unveil to the Burnaby disc golf club which received great response, I am proud to announce the OFFICIAL RELEASE of DISCGOLFBUDDY.

A Canadian product I hope will grow and help sponsor disc golf around the world. If your disc golf club plays for tags, this is for you. If not, it's time to help your club begin a new and exciting way to play for club tags.

Currently available for both Android and iPhone devices, clubs now have an easy to use app to sort and track standings for tags. In conjunction with the website, anyone can now see where they stand among their club and other clubs.

Check for yourself, visit and enter Burnaby DGC into the club field.

Use the phone app anywhere, the simple easy to use features makes for quick results and easy posting. The best part, if Discgolfbuddy becomes a success, then clubs will have the opportunity to apply for available Sponsorship funds.

Fund club tournaments, or help with course upgrades.

By registering your club, you have an opportunity to apply for available Sponsorship funds.

But only you, the disc golf community can make Discgolfbuddy a complete success and put Canada on the map for disc golf. Visit the website for full details, and visit the Discgolfbuddy Community facebook page for updates and new features to come. If you want to reach me directly. Email me at [email redacted]

Thank You for your time. Spread the word. Discgolfbuddy. It's HOT, it's NEW.
President, Lada Rezek