The township has asked all smokers to clean up their cigarette butts. They've commented on how bad it's getting around hole 1. I'd suggest putting your butts in a drink holder on your bag and packing it out. Or get rid of the cherry and throw the butt in the trash at hole 1. It would be silly for the parks and recreation dept and township to not want to continue funding the course for viewing the disc golfers as trashing their park and course. Pack it in pack it out. Thanks.
Did you mention to them that the dog walkers are leaving bags of dog **** everywhere.
They know.
Little harder to find the culperit of the poopy pouches than it is to roll into the parking lot and there's 20 people standing at hole 1 smoking cigarettes.
Ha ha ha we do leave our mark don't we? At lest they'er not worried about beverages. I'll get Jessica back in line.
I'd be more worried about dog **** than cig butts!! But the trash cans are out finally so that'll help. Thanks for the heads up Aaron
Just spreading the word for Bob. Who's spreading the word for the township.
Any word on when the new baskets are going in?
They'll be here Monday. Maybe next weekend we'll get them in.