General OB rules per the Official Rules of Disc Golf (edited for SADGC)
A. A disc is out-of-bounds if its position is clearly and completely surrounded by an out-of-bounds area.
B. The out-of-bounds line is part of the out-of-bounds area.
C. A disc that cannot be found is considered to be out-of bounds if there is reasonable evidence that the disc came to rest within an out-of-bounds area. In the absence of such evidence, the disc is considered lost and play proceeds according to rule 804.05. (Lost disc - Re-throw from previous lie with a penalty)
D. A player whose disc is out-of-bounds shall receive one penalty throw. The player may elect to play the next throw from:
1. The previous lie; or,
2. A lie that is up to one meter away from and perpendicular to the point where the disc last crossed into out-of-bounds, even if the direction takes the lie closer to the target; or,
3. Within the designated drop zone, if provided.
E. If the thrower moves the disc before a determination regarding its out-of-bounds status has been made, the disc shall be considered out-of-bounds.
Mandatory rules per the Official Rules of Disc Golf (edited for SADGC)
• A mandatory restricts the path the disc may take to the target. A disc must pass the correct side of the mandatory before the hole is completed. A disc has passed the mandatory once it establishes a position beyond the mandatory line.
• A throw has missed the mandatory if it passes the incorrect side of the mandatory from the direction of the tee, and establishes a position completely beyond the mandatory line.
• A throw that has missed the mandatory results in a one-throw penalty.
• Missed mandatory shall play from the previous lie.
• If, after a mandatory has been passed, a subsequent throw crosses the mandatory line on the correct side but in the reverse direction, the mandatory has no longer been passed. The player must still pass the mandatory on the correct side. A line connecting the lies for the hole must pass to the correct sides of all mandatories for the hole.
2017 SADGC Out of Bounds Rules
General rules and special cases
A. No 2-meter rule.
B. Holes 7 and 8 – You have missed the Mando if your disc passes to the left of and beyond the vertical plane of the Mando sign. Discs stopping short of the Mando do not incur a penalty and may be played per basic rules of play. Missed Mando must proceed to the drop zone with a penalty throw.
C. Hole 14 – The cactus circles are to be treated as casual relief. Relief may be taken outside of the cactus, no closer to the pin and on the line of play.
D. Hole 15 – The log pile is out of play and considered casual relief. Discs that come to rest within the log pile outline must proceed to the drop zone – no penalty.
E. Hole 16 – Your disc must come to rest beyond the road to be considered in bounds and past the ‘Mando’. Missed Mando must proceed to the drop zone (across the road) with a penalty throw.
F. All OB is in play regardless of the hole being played
Hole by hole OB
1. Over the fence, on the solar panel field
2. On or over the road, on the solar panel field
3. Play OB as outlined on neighboring holes
4. Long of the basket – State Park boundary
5. Over the fence
6. Over the fence
7. Mando to the right of the marked tree (also see C. above), On or over the road. Disc on or near fence – take as little relief as possible to establish a legal stance
8. Mando to the right of the marked tree (also see C. above), On or over the road
9. Play OB as outlined on neighboring holes
10. In the bamboo circle long of the basket, over the fence
11. Over the fence
12. On or over the road
13. On the road
14. In the “Pond”, On the road (also see D. above)
15. Over the fence, On or over the road (also see E. above)
16. Mando across the road (also see F. above)
17. On the road
18. On or over the road, past the wooden parking lot posts
Alt A – On or over the road
Alt B – Over the fence
Alt C – On or over the road
Alt D – Missed Mando, over the fence. (missed Mandows must retee with a penalty throw)
Alt E – Play OB as marked or defined prior to play
Alt F - Play OB as outlined on neighboring holes
2017 Shore Acres Disc Golf League March 28, 2017 at 1:52pm
2017 OB Rules
General OB rules per the Official Rules of Disc Golf (edited for SADGC)
A. A disc is out-of-bounds if its position is clearly and completely surrounded by an out-of-bounds area.
B. The out-of-bounds line is part of the out-of-bounds area.
C. A disc that cannot be found is considered to be out-of bounds if there is reasonable evidence that the disc came to rest within an out-of-bounds area. In the absence of such evidence, the disc is considered lost and play proceeds according to rule 804.05. (Lost disc - Re-throw from previous lie with a penalty)
D. A player whose disc is out-of-bounds shall receive one penalty throw. The player may elect to play the next throw from:
1. The previous lie; or,
2. A lie that is up to one meter away from and perpendicular to the point where the disc last crossed into out-of-bounds, even if the direction takes the lie closer to the target; or,
3. Within the designated drop zone, if provided.
E. If the thrower moves the disc before a determination regarding its out-of-bounds status has been made, the disc shall be considered out-of-bounds.
Mandatory rules per the Official Rules of Disc Golf (edited for SADGC)
• A mandatory restricts the path the disc may take to the target. A disc must pass the correct side of the mandatory before the hole is completed. A disc has passed the mandatory once it establishes a position beyond the mandatory line.
• A throw has missed the mandatory if it passes the incorrect side of the mandatory from the direction of the tee, and establishes a position completely beyond the mandatory line.
• A throw that has missed the mandatory results in a one-throw penalty.
• Missed mandatory shall play from the previous lie.
• If, after a mandatory has been passed, a subsequent throw crosses the mandatory line on the correct side but in the reverse direction, the mandatory has no longer been passed. The player must still pass the mandatory on the correct side. A line connecting the lies for the hole must pass to the correct sides of all mandatories for the hole.
2017 SADGC Out of Bounds Rules
General rules and special cases
A. No 2-meter rule.
B. Holes 7 and 8 – You have missed the Mando if your disc passes to the left of and beyond the vertical plane of the Mando sign. Discs stopping short of the Mando do not incur a penalty and may be played per basic rules of play. Missed Mando must proceed to the drop zone with a penalty throw.
C. Hole 14 – The cactus circles are to be treated as casual relief. Relief may be taken outside of the cactus, no closer to the pin and on the line of play.
D. Hole 15 – The log pile is out of play and considered casual relief. Discs that come to rest within the log pile outline must proceed to the drop zone – no penalty.
E. Hole 16 – Your disc must come to rest beyond the road to be considered in bounds and past the ‘Mando’. Missed Mando must proceed to the drop zone (across the road) with a penalty throw.
F. All OB is in play regardless of the hole being played
Hole by hole OB
1. Over the fence, on the solar panel field
2. On or over the road, on the solar panel field
3. Play OB as outlined on neighboring holes
4. Long of the basket – State Park boundary
5. Over the fence
6. Over the fence
7. Mando to the right of the marked tree (also see C. above), On or over the road. Disc on or near fence – take as little relief as possible to establish a legal stance
8. Mando to the right of the marked tree (also see C. above), On or over the road
9. Play OB as outlined on neighboring holes
10. In the bamboo circle long of the basket, over the fence
11. Over the fence
12. On or over the road
13. On the road
14. In the “Pond”, On the road (also see D. above)
15. Over the fence, On or over the road (also see E. above)
16. Mando across the road (also see F. above)
17. On the road
18. On or over the road, past the wooden parking lot posts
Alt A – On or over the road
Alt B – Over the fence
Alt C – On or over the road
Alt D – Missed Mando, over the fence. (missed Mandows must retee with a penalty throw)
Alt E – Play OB as marked or defined prior to play
Alt F - Play OB as outlined on neighboring holes