DGLA: Michigan Cooperative Point Series - Summer 2016 *** 7th Annual ***   July 11, 2016 at 7:40pm

DGLA: MiCPS - Got Double Points? HLW Update

Only 3 more weeks of the MiCPS Summer Season

Only 3 more HLW for Double points after Cass Benton Monday Night Doubles TONIGHT

2016 Cass Benton Monday Night Doubles
Cass Benton Hills Double points!

Monday, July 11 @ 5:00pm *** DOUBLE POINTS ***
Cass Benton Hills
Northville, MI

About this League
Doubles league - 107 active players
$10.00 one-time player fee for this league (OPTIONAL)
$10.00 player fee each session
$5.00 ace pool

Random draw doubles league at Cass Benton Hills DGC in Northville, MI. $10 all in each week ($5 play/$5 ace pool).

Optional one-time fee of $10 to be eligible for 75% ace pool payout and end of season payouts. We will play a combination of 18 shorts, 18 shorts w/ 3 longs, and 18 longs. Reg closes at 5pm sharp. Please call or text if running late. This year i am also happy to announce that i will be able to award 4 berths to the Michigan State Finals to the Top 4 finishers (berths will kick down). Hope to see everyone out on the course, looking forward to an awesome 2016 season!


Remaining Double Point Rounds - HLW:

Friday July 22, 2016 10:00pm MBI & 24 Chains Present Friday Night Glow 2016
Bandemer Park Double points!

Tuesday July 26, 2016 6:00pm Ypsi Dubs 2016 Summer League - The Original - Tuesdays
Rolling Hills County Park Double points!

Saturday July 30, 2016 12:00pm 12:00 SATURDAY DUBS Spring and Summer 2016
Willow Metropark Double points!

Peace and Enjoy the Rounds