Keith Aten    July 3, 2016 at 3:59am

The MDGO is w accepting nominations for the Michigan Disc Golf Hall of Fame class of 2016. Nominations are to be sent to [email redacted]. Include with the name of the person their PDGA # and why they should be in the Hall of Fame.
All nominations must be received by July 15, 2016
All last years nominees are already included in this years nominations. These people do not need to be renominated.
They include.
Michael Poanessa (Bobis)
Alan Shack PDGA# 3007 Player
Steve Peck PDGA #5817
Michael Smith PDGA#
Ed Headrick PDGA #001
Gale Vaughn PDGA #5515
Keith Aten PDGA# 6147
Bill McKenzie PDGA #23137
Dorathae Tylzynski
Javier Kowalski PDGA #3178 Player
Terry Calhoun PDGA #15117 Player
Dave Feldberg PDGA # 12626 Player
Mark Ellis PDGA #7423
Mike Raley PDGA#7846 Player
Jeff Kaluk PDGA #35378
Brian "MITCH" Mitchell PDGA#46645
Jeff Schwass PDGA # 6148
Al Haaksma PDGA #5870
Jamie Mosier PDGA ‪#‎17591Player‬
Larry LaBond PDGA #6903
The election will be open to the MDGO clubs or entities. Each club or entity will be able to cast 1 vote. Every past Hall of Fame inductee will also be able to cast a vote. The top three vote winners will be inducted.