Lake County Disc Golf (formerly Painesville Disc Golf Club)   June 14, 2016 at 12:17am

Next Work Day June 18th!

ATTENTION! This Saturday we are looking to finish up the course. Our job will be to pour the tee sign posts and get those in the ground and set. The city will have the holes already dug for us, but because we are working on a Saturday, we will not have access to the parks equipment. So if you can make it, please bring a wheel barrow or shovel if you have access to them. We plan on starting at 9pm and going until they are done. So far we have the following help: Mickey, Sean, Greg, Rollie, Norb. Let us know here if you can help. Thanks!

Bill "The Ninja" Savage   June 13, 2016 at 5:22pm

What are the plans for water? If we can't use the water truck, five gallon buckets will be like gold!

Greg Miller   June 14, 2016 at 7:26am

There are spigots at both pavilions so we will just need to bring a couple of hoses and mix the concrete right there in the wheel barrows.