Thanks to everyone that came out last week for a special Memorial Day round. Glad to welcome 8 new players to the league. Played the Cass back 6 and a 12 hole temp layout across the street. Jopps/Rocket took the W with a -12. Jake Anderson aced temp hole #12 and Jopps aced temp hole #6 for $136 each. 4 players paid the member fee. $860 in the payout pot. Ace pool is at $93. See everyone tonight. We will be playing 18 shorts with 2/5/14 from longs.
2016 Cass Benton Monday Night Doubles June 6, 2016 at 7:37pm
Monday, May 30th
Thanks to everyone that came out last week for a special Memorial Day round. Glad to welcome 8 new players to the league. Played the Cass back 6 and a 12 hole temp layout across the street. Jopps/Rocket took the W with a -12. Jake Anderson aced temp hole #12 and Jopps aced temp hole #6 for $136 each. 4 players paid the member fee. $860 in the payout pot. Ace pool is at $93. See everyone tonight. We will be playing 18 shorts with 2/5/14 from longs.